Honeygain’s Year in Review 2023

honeygain review
Jan 12, 2024 last_updated min_read

2023 flew by us just like a busy bee. From our 4th birthday, launching new and exciting features, and ramping up our security measures, we got a lot done. 

And we couldn’t have done any of it without you, our Honeygainers! Join us as we look back at everything we accomplished last year.

All-Round Security

Security has always been and will always remain our number one priority. That’s why we always inform our community about every significant improvement and under-the-hood procedure we have in place so you can safely use our app!

In 2023, prominent cyber security experts like Forbes, International Business Times, and Yahoo! have covered our security measures, such as:

Here at Honeygain, we put maximum effort into strengthening our infrastructure and providing a safe service to our users. That’s why we continue to inform you where your shared internet connection goes.

Your shared bandwidth supports large-scale data collection for public information. For example, price comparison allows people to get the best deals while companies can maintain their competitive edge.


Innovation is one of our most important values. It helps us to continuously improve and introduce new features so that you can have a fun experience with Honeygain. Here are some of the new features we’re most proud of.


At the start of 2023, we introduced an exciting new feature – Achievements! Achievements help gamify your experience while using the app, making it more interactive and rewarding. 

Honeygainers can now earn cool stickers and extra Honeygain credits for unlocking Achievements.

Each new user earns rewards for completing their set-up process, and you, our loyal Honeygainers, can win fun prizes for opening your Lucky Pot regularly or claiming the limited-edition seasonal Achievements!

Collaboration With JumpTask

The fun we had with Achievements just wasn’t enough. We decided to add another batch of Achievements for you – JumpTask achievements

As you know, we partnered with JumpTask in 2022, and as our friendship continues to grow, this batch of Achievements is just one more way to show our appreciation to our users.

Now, Honeygainers can unlock four new Achievements:

  • JumpTasker;
  • JumpTask Starter; 
  • JumpTask Gainer;
  • JumpTask Pro.

Our B2B Solution, Swarmbytes

Honeygain always tries to maintain a fair environment for our users, and that’s why, in 2023, we created a separate platform, Swarmbytes, dedicated to people with many IP addresses

If you’re managing an ISP or several mobile IP blocks, sign up for Swarmbytes instead of Honeygain, and we’ll contact you with all the information you need!

Helping Others With CareBuzz

We believe it’s important to give back to your community. That’s why, in 2023, we launched CareBuzz, a platform where you can donate to good causes without spending money.

Here’s how it works: you share your internet connection, just like you would at Honeygain, and instead of cashing out your earnings, you donate them!

A User-Centric App

It’s no secret that the most critical part of Honeygain is our users – we’re able to introduce new features, spread the word about earning passive income, and enjoy a supportive community because of them!

A Supportive Community

Our community continuously shares good vibes and helpful information to support each other. That’s why we always keep in touch with them to foster a fantastic experience for all the busy bees! Here’s just how big the Honeygain community got in 2023:

  • Over 30,000 Discord bees;
  • More than 20,000 Honeygainers on Reddit;
  • Almost 24,000 followers on the X Support page;
  • And over 95,000 Honeygainers in our Facebook group!

Besides strong communities where our moderators and fellow Honeygainers help each other, we also have a dedicated support team! You can reach them via the support form or chat on our website. 

Honeygain’s 4th Birthday

We celebrate our birthday every year through fun contests or big giveaways! In 2023, Honeygain’s birthday prize pool included four million Honeygain credits and prizes like free credits, gift cards, and laptops!

Your Opinion Matters

We wanted to learn more about Honeygainers and their side hustles, so we asked 6,470 users about their preferences. Here’s what they had to say. 

The most popular side hustle by far was freelancing. Other answers included having an online store or business, doing gigs on platforms like Uber Eats and Fiverr, or selling products locally without an online store. 

In any case, we’re glad our community knows how to build a profitable side hustle!

honeygain year in review

What’s In Store For 2024?

Well, we’ve got a good thing going, so we have no plans to stop. But we also have some exciting plans in store. Honeygain aims to continue leading the industry towards improved security measures, ensuring you can feel safe when you make money.

We’re also excited to offer an elevated experience and the best value for every Honeygainer joining our beehive this year! And, of course, Honeygain will continue to work towards better earnings, faster payouts, and an even more buzzing community!


